
Friday, July 10, 2009

Strawberry Hill by Mary Ann Hoberman

Hoberman, Mary Ann Strawberry Hill, 230 p. Little, Brown, 2009. $15.99. Content: G. During the Great Depression, Allie, 10, is devastated to find out that her family is moving from the cram but familiar apartment and into a house of their own, far from everything that she knows. When they move to Strawberry Hill, Allie becomes friends with Martha, the stylish girl next door, while trying to avoid Mimi, the scruffier looking girl across the street. But Martha goes to Catholic school and has a best friend from there, making it hard for the girls to remain close. When I first started reading, I thought I was reading a reprint of something from 50 years ago, but careful checking told me that this was new. There are some extremely cute parts and some awkward parts. This is best suited for a younger reader who is also might read the Betsy-Tacy books. EL – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library-Teacher.

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