
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sleepaway Girls by Jen Calonita

Calonita, Jen Sleepaway Girls 297 p. Little Brown, May 2009 Language: G (5 swears, non “f”); Violence: G Sexual Content: G. Samantha Montgomery, Sam has been given a job as a counselor-in-training at Whispering Pines a camp a few hours away from her home. At The Pines, Sam learns to juggle cute guys, great friends and mean girls. Over the summer Sam learns to deal with the stress of responsibility and learns not to be such a people pleaser. I really liked this book and I think that it teaches you that you cannot judge a book by its cover and sometimes there is more to a person than you can see. This book is best for girls I think because it teaches them good ways to handle drama with boys, girls, and best friends. This is overall a very good book and I would say is MS-ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: EM

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