
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Little Bit Scary People by Emily Jenkins

Jenkins, Emily The Little Bit Scary People, 32 pgs. Hyperion; Language~G, Sexual Content~G; Violence~G

“Some people are a little bit STRANGE, or a little too LOUD, or a tiny bit MEAN. Some people are just A LITTLE BIT SCARY. But I bet if you knew them . . . . if you knew what they like for breakfast, and how they treat their pets, and how they sing along to show tunes or read cowboy stories on the couch. . . .then you’d know that maybe. . . .(probably). . .most people aren’t so scary after all.”(excerpt from front flap of the hardcover edition)

Do you ever change to the other side of the street or advert your eyes so that you don’t have to say hello? We all make judgments about those around us based on their clothing, hairstyle, makeup, actions, etc. But what if we really knew them, would our actions & attitudes change. I love this book because it makes you stop and think that maybe that skateboard dude loves cats just like you :-) The illustrator, Alexandra Boiger, did an excellent job in providing pictures that allow us to sneak peek into what the 'scary' people are really like.

Elementary ESSENTIAL Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Librarian

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