
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jimmy's Stars by Mary Ann Rodman

Rodman, Mary Ann Jimmy’s Stars, 272 pgs, Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR); Language~G, Sexual Content~G; Violence~PG
In today’s world of an all volunteer military, the draft doesn’t stir up the sense of fear that it once did. During both World Wars and Vietnam our country has drafted men to build their military. This meant that if your draft number came up, you stopped your life and became a soldier. . . . and sometimes you didn’t come home.

Ellie adores her older brother. He makes her feel special and important in a way no one else does. Then one day he receives a telegram calling him to service. Ellie’s world is shaken, but she is sure he will be back by Christmas. She lives for his letters and is so proud of the star hanging in her window that tells everyone he is serving his country. Then one day their family receives the dreaded telegram telling them that her beloved Jimmy has died.

This novel is a poignant yet sweet story of a young girl growing up in war time and how she deals with the worst news any family could get. Nicely done.

Upper EL/MS ADVISABLE Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Librarian

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