
Monday, May 18, 2009

The Devil on Trial by Phillip Margulies - ESSENTIAL

Margulies, Phillip and Maxine Rosaler The Devil on Trial: Witches, Anarchists, Communists and Terrorists in America’s Courtrooms, 201 p. Houghton Mifflin, 2008. NON-FICTION. $22.


Five famous trials are explored in this look at the path of justice role of courts in American history. The Salem’s witches, the Haymarket bombing, evolution in schools, Alger Hiss and one of the 9/11 conspirator. Each of these trials seized the attention of the people of that day and most of them are still discussed in classrooms all over America.

This would be a perfect book for a teacher to do background research, an American government class, or civics.

Cindy, Library-Teacher

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