
Friday, May 15, 2009

Dandelion Fire by N.D. Wilson - ADVISABLE

Dandelion Fire by N. D. Wilson, 466 p. Random House, 2009. $17

Content: G


All seems to be back to normal on Henry’s uncle’s farm until the day that Henry is struck by lightning (or is he?) and loses his sight. Blind, he is kidnapped and taken through the cupboards. His family decides to follow them in, along with a couple of neighbors stuck with them in some sort of alternate Kansas. Adventures ensue until all are reunited.

I actually liked this one better than the first – the picture of the cupboards and the various universes become somewhat clearer and Henry becomes a stronger character. I am so VERY glad that his cousin Henrietta gets a good figurative spanking, because she was way too smug in her supposed cleverness for my taste.

Cindy, Library-Teacher.

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