
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman - ADVISABLE

The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman. PICTURE BOOK. HarperTrophy

Language~G; Sexual Content~G; Violence~PG


Author Neil Gaiman has written a superb picture book for older readers, terrifying but terrific! Lucy is a young girl who begins to hear what she absolutely without a doubt knows are wolves in the walls of her house. Her mother doesn’t believe her. She tries to warn her father, but he brushes her off. Her younger brother thinks she has finally gone over the edge. Only her pig puppet believes her, until the wolves breach the walls and chase Lucy and her family out of their house! Tragically pig puppet is left inside and Lucy realizes that she must find the courage to go and rescue her friend from the terrifying wolves.

This title will be too scary for most young children; however this would be an excellent read-a-loud for older elementary students and even students in secondary schools. I love this title and would highly recommend it!

 Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Library

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