
Monday, April 20, 2009

Heir to Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier - ADVISABLE

Marillier, Juliet Heir to Sevenwaters pgs.395 Roc Hardcover

Language~PG; Sexual Content~PG-13; Violence~PG


Clodaugh (Kloh-da), number 3 of 6 sisters has her hands full. Her twin sister is to be married in the next few days and her mother has recently and unexpectedly conceived. Her mother is no longer young and a pregnancy at such an age means danger for both herself and the unborn baby. But having only been able to give her husband daughters, this time she is sure she will deliver a son. With her mother confined to her bed, Clodaugh takes up the role as Mistress at Sevenwaters. Her mother does indeed deliver a son but not days after he is taken and a mysterious changeling child is put in his place. Clodaugh must find a way to retrieve her brother before the loss kills her mother and ruins her family.

This is a wonderful tale that will sweep you away from the very first. There are sexual references and innuendo, but no sex on or off the page. This will work well as a stand alone novel, but mean more to those who are familiar with the world of Sevenwaters. Fans of Juliet Marillier’s Sevenwater’s Triliogy will thrill at this new novel bringing new life to characters so well loved.

Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Library

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