
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Identical by Ellen Hopkins - OPTIONAL

Hopkins, Ellen Identical pgs. 565 Margaret K. McElderry

Language~R; Sexual Content~R; Violence~PG-13


Two sisters
Who are
Identical in every physical feature
Need each other but a
Secret gets in the way

Kaeleigh and Reanne shared identical DNA. They can see their sister and themselves when they look in the mirror. Both parents are engulfed by their work. Mom is a political candidate always on the campaign trail even if she comes home. Dad is a district court judge with an unhealthy love for Kaeleigh while ignoring Reanne. Readers come to know these two girls through alternating poetry. There is a secret that looms over Reanne and Kaeleigh that when revealed will shock readers. This is an engaging read that will hold onto the reader and take them for a ride to the dramatic end.

Ellen Hopkins stories are known for their grit and edginess. This story is no exception. The ‘f’ word is frequently used along with several other swears. Incest and sex are also present and play a major role in the story line. While Hopkins has a large fan base of teens, I would let the Public Library get this one due to the graphic nature of Hopkins’ writing.

Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Library

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