
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Cabinet of Wonders by Marie Rutkoski - ADVISABLE

Rutskoski, Marie The Cabinet of Wonders pgs. 224 Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Language~G, Sexual Content~G; Violence~PG


Petra, the heroine of this tale, is horrified when her father returns home missing his eyes! Her father has the ability to move metal with his mind. Petra discovers that the Prince has stolen her father’s eyes, placed an enchantment on them and wears them. Petra is determined to journey to the castle and reclaim her father’s eyes if she can. Accompanied by her ‘pet’ tin spider and a friend named Neel, who has his own special powers, Petra journeys to the castle and is not prepared for what she discovers and the wonders the Prince’s cabinet holds.

In her debut novel, Marie Rutkoski has brought to readers a story full of bravery, adventure, and love. This book is a wonderful fantasy with unique characters that readers latch on to immediately. However, it does suffer from an unfortunate cover, so it may be a hard sell. Consider reading a portion of this story out loud to get them hooked.

Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Library

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