
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Something, Maybe by Elizabeth Scott - OPTIONAL

Scott, Elizabeth Something, Maybe, 320 pages. Bloomsbury USA Children's Books

Language~PG-13, Sexual Content~PG-13; Violence~PG;


“Everyone thinks their parents are embarrassing, but Hannah knows she’s got them all beat. Her dad made a fortune showcasing photos of pretty girls and his party lifestyle all over the Internet, and her mom was once one of her dad’s girlfriends and is now the star of her own website. After getting the wrong kind of attention for way too long, Hannah has mastered the art of staying under the radar . . .and that’s just how she liked it.”

Hannah is 17yo and works at a remote ordering center for the most popular burger chain in town with 2 of her classmates. Josh, who Hannah is crushing on, happens to work at the next computer over. She is positive they are soul mates and that someday soon he will notice her. Then there is Finn, a friend and sometimes confidant, but not boyfriend material. Except, Hannah finds herself thinking about Finn more and more. As her life at home becomes topsy-turvy Hannah discovers who her real friends are and learns she is not her parents.

A wonderful modern-day romance. This novel, while not focusing on sex, mentions sex frequently and also includes one ‘f’ curse. While I really enjoy Scott’s writing style and would highly recommend them to public libraries, I would not include this one in a school library

Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Library

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