
Monday, February 2, 2009

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow - ADVISABLE

Doctorow, Cory Little Brother, 382 pgs Tor Books;

Language~PG, Mature Content~R; Violence~PG-13


Do you remember where you were when the commercial airliners crashed into the Twin Towers in New York? On that day in September, terrorism became something now seen as a real threat. How do we protect our Nation, our cities, our families? What rights are we willing to sacrifice to be ‘safe’? How much control do we want to hand over to Big Brother?

In a second attack on the United States, terrorists have bombed the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco and caused the deaths of thousands of Americans. Marcus and his friends are caught up in the wave of panic that results and in the chaos they are picked up by Homeland Security for questioning. Marcus has never been so terrified in his life. They were innocent bystanders, teenagers, now being interrogated as terrorists.

After being released from three nightmarish days of questioning, Marcus is angry, confused, and feels attacked by his own country. With the help of his friends and his X-box, Marcus creates an under-the-radar network to fight back against the totalitarian regime Homeland Security has enforced upon the citizens of San Francisco.

This riveting story will cause readers to reflect on the role of the government to protect its citizens. Disclaimer: there are described sexual encounters and torture scenes that are not appropriate for younger readers.

Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Librarian

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