
Friday, January 30, 2009

Shooting the Moon by Frances O'Roark Dowell - ADVISABLE

Dowell, Frances O’Roark Shooting the Moon, 176 pgs Atheneum

Language~G, Sexual Content~G; Violence~PG


Life is complicated . . . especially when your country is at war and your family is Army. The Vietnam War was a time of confusion and conflict for the United States and families all over the country. This novel brings readers into the heart of one career-army family and shows the effects of the war on their relationships. Jaime Dexter adores her older brother T.J. always has . . . always will. When he enlists and is sent to Vietnam, her dad nick-named, The Colonel isn’t happy with his son’s decision. Jaime always thought that her dad would thrill at another family member joining the armed forces. She eagerly awaits a letter from T.J. and when it comes it is just a roll of film. Jaime decides to learn how to develop the film herself. The pictures are not what she expects and she begins to learn that war is not all the glory it is made out to be.

Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Librarian

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