
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Benjamin Dove by Fridrik Erlings - OPTIONAL

Erlings, Fridrik Benjamin Dove, 206 p. North-South Books Inc., 2007.

 Language- PG, Sexual Content- PG, Violence- PG-13.


Benjamin Dove is a normal twelve year old boy who longs for adventure. When a new kid, Roland, moves into town, Ben and his two best friends, Jeff and Manny, become impressed with Roland's fascination with knights. They join together and form the Order of the Red Dragon, a group of young knights who protect the neighborhood, do good deeds, and defend the helpless. The violent older boys of the neighborhood decide to form their own order and call themselves the Order of the Black Feather. They start to terrorize the younger boys and war breaks out. When the Order of the Black Feather decide they want to increase the violence, a tragedy occurs that will change the lives of the Red Dragon Knights forever.

This book is very uniquely written. Benjamin Dove is very powerful and will make you stop and think. I didn't like how descriptive some of the violence was so I marked it down on the recommendation level, but read it for yourself.

 Reviewer: Brenna Evans, college student.

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