
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Monster Madness by Dean Lorey - ESSENTIAL

Lorey, Dean Monster Madness (Nightmare Academy #2), 293 p. Harper, 2008.

Violence: PG.


Charlie and his friends are ready to move from Noobs (newbies) to Addys (advanced), but seal of approval is stalled by a major crisis - two of the four Named Lords of the Nether are now on Earth and if the other two can also escape, then they can together summon The Fifth, the most evil being in the universe. Mortal and immortal danger, betrayal and counter betrayal await the friends as they struggle just to survive, let alone counterattack the sources of evil.

If you can handle books about demons and evil creatures, your school will love this book. There is a lot of danger and lot of fighting, but it is well worth it. I am tense already from the end of this book that I am not sure I can survive until number three is released!

Reviewer - Cindy, Library-Teacher

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