Zarr, Sara Sweethearts, 217pgs. Little Brown
Language: PG-13, Sexual Content: PG-13, Violence: PG
Jennifer Harris and Cameron Quick became fast friends. They were both outcasts, no one liked them. They only had each other. One day, Cameron disappears without telling Jennifer. Jennifer feels all alone. Several years past by and Jennifer is not the same. She is no longer the outcast in her new home and school; instead she is popular and social. Everything seemed to be perfect for the new Jennifer. Then, Cameron shows up in her life again. What will Jennifer do?
Sweethearts is a cute story on friendship; it really shows how much they really loved each other. But, I did not like how there was some child abuse, swearing, and sex. Cameron's father swears and tries to beat them up. Cute, but it has those bad attributes.
Student Reviewer: CW
Language: PG-13, Sexual Content: PG-13, Violence: PG
Jennifer Harris and Cameron Quick became fast friends. They were both outcasts, no one liked them. They only had each other. One day, Cameron disappears without telling Jennifer. Jennifer feels all alone. Several years past by and Jennifer is not the same. She is no longer the outcast in her new home and school; instead she is popular and social. Everything seemed to be perfect for the new Jennifer. Then, Cameron shows up in her life again. What will Jennifer do?
Sweethearts is a cute story on friendship; it really shows how much they really loved each other. But, I did not like how there was some child abuse, swearing, and sex. Cameron's father swears and tries to beat them up. Cute, but it has those bad attributes.
Student Reviewer: CW
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