
Friday, October 10, 2008

Snow Falling in Spring by Moying Li - ESSENTIAL

Li, Moying Snow Falling in Spring, 164 p. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2008.

Content - G


Moying was originally raised by her grandparents in a small neighborhood in Beijing. When she turned twelve, she was off to boarding school and her life at school and at home became embroiled in the events of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The Red Guard, the Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution all molded Moying's teenage years. And by the time she was 26, it was all over and Li was off to the US for a university education.

This memoir is the first that I have seen for the YA audience that addresses the events of the end of Chairman Mao's rule over China. It would be an excellent classroom novel for discussion and exploration, whether in Language Arts or in Geography, at the middle school level.

Cindy - Library-Teacher.

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