
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Red Queen's Daughter by Jacqueline Kolosov - ESSENTIAL

Kolosov, Jacqueline The Red Queen's Daughter. Hyperion 2008. 399 Pages. 

Language - PG; Sexual Content - PG; Violence - PG 


There must be good and evil in the world to maintain balance. Mary Seymour is the daughter of one of King Henry VIII's many wives and a traitor to the crown. Yet despite her heritage, she is destined to be a white magician and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. This strong, intelligent girl must learn to trust in herself, especially when despite her vows, she starts falling in love; and not with just anyone, but her cousin whose history entwines so closely with her own. 

I loved this story dearly. After reading so many horrible books, it was a breath of fresh air to stumble across something that was interesting and well written. 

Student Reviewer: KH

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