
Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Possibilities of Sainthood by Donna Freitas - ADVISABLE

Freitas, Donna The Possibilities of Sainthood, pgs. 272. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2008.

Language- PG-13; Sexual Content- G; Violence- G.


Antonia, 15, wishes to be the first living saint. She prays to all of the saints, from something as small as not wanting to look like a fool, to something bigger - her first kiss. She writes to the Vatican Committee of Sainthood every month proposing different ideas for new saints. She sneaks out and goes to a dance with her best friend, which she is not allowed to do until she is 16 There, she gets her first kiss and her cousin ruining the best day of her life by calling her mom.

I loved this book! I think it was interesting how Antonia memorized all of the saint information.

Student Reviewer: SH

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