
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Maggie Bean Stays Afloat by Tricia Rayburn - ADVISABLE

Rayburn, Tricia Maggie Bean Stays Afloat, 316 p. Mix (Simon and Schuster), 2008.


Maggie has worked really hard at her Pound Patroller meetings and managed to shed forty pounds - the right way. Now Pound Patrollers is creating a program for kids based around Maggie and Arnie's success - and they want the kids to be an important part of it. To top it off, she has taken a job at a local day camp - as a an assistant in the water activities. The college aged kids who work there have no idea that Maggie used to be an overweight lump. Instead, one of the boys thinks that Maggie is pretty cute. Maggie is basking in popularity and acceptance - but it may just be too easy to forget those who have loved Maggie no matter what her size.

Rayburn keeps right on going with Maggie's story. Maggie may have lost the weight, but now she has to learn that though she may feel better, being thinner may not be the only problem. I like Maggie.

Cindy - Library-Teacher

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