
Friday, September 19, 2008

Fendi, Ferragmo and Fangs by Kenner, et al. - OPTIONAL

Kenner, Julie, Johanna Edwards and Serena Robar Fendi, Ferragamo and Fangs, 268 p. Berkley Jam (Penguin), 2007.

Language - PG (about about 40, no "f")


Three beautiful girls have won summer internships as models with Vamp Modeling, Inc. in New York. Each of them, under different circumstances are transformed into the undead, with very different attitudes and results.

Okay, so I wasn't paying much attention when I picked up the book and noticed some odd inconsistencies as I was reading. Then I found out that each girl's story was written by a different author - Well, that explains it! The first story is my favorite, with number three running a close second. Girlie girls will really like these vampire stories (heavier on the girlie, light on the vamp).

Cindy, Library-Teacher.

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