
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary "Jacky" Faber, Ship's Boy - ESSENTIAL

Meyer, L.A. Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary "Jacky" Faber, Ship's Boy, 320 pgs. Harcourt, Inc.

Language~PG-13, Sexual Content~PG-13; Violence~PG-13


Life in the 18th century England was not kind to many. Poverty, sickness, violence, and filth abounded. Mary Faber lost her mother, father, and little sister to the pestilence one summer and was drafted into a gang of street urchins. Thus begins Mary’s life of crime and begging. After the violent death of her gang’s ring leader, Rooster Charlie, Mary decides to try her fortunes away from the horrible streets of London. Due to her small size and immature body, Mary easily passes for a boy and is taken on as a ship’s boy for H.M.S The Dolphin and newly christens herself Jack Faber. Jacky quickly finds she loves this life on the sea, but must be careful to keep her true identity a secret.

Written in first person, with cockney slang, this tale is captivating. The reader easily connects with Jacky and fears for her plight. The language is rough as expected for the station of the main character and the time period. There is an attempted rape scene and sexual inferences in the story. The war violence while not graphic is frequent due to Jacky’s presence on a war ship. Written in first person, with cockney slang, this tale is captivating. The reader easily connects with Jacky and fears for her plight. Highly recommended!

Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Librarian

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