
Friday, June 27, 2008

Unseen Companion by Denise Orenstein - NO

Orenstein, Denise Gosliner Unseen Companion, pgs.368 Harper Collins-Harper Teen.

Language~PG-13, Sexual Content~PG-13; Violence~PG-13


Bethel, Alaska is a place not many have heard of. It is a small town on the western edge of the state. This story begins in the Spring of 1969. The story centers around a young man named Dove Alexie. Alexie mysteriously disappears from the Bethel jail. Told by several individuals, each chapter of the story gives you a glimpse into their lives and how they are connected to Alexie.

Unfortuately, the story is very disjointed and the importance of these separate storylines is unclear. The author attempts to portray the persecution and bigotry of whites against the native Alaskan Eskimos living in Bethel, however, because the story is so disjointed no clear message is given. Disclaimers: The use of curse words is common throughout the story. There is a rape scene between a school counselor and student resulting in a pregnancy.

Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Library

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