
Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Seance by Iain Lawrence - OPTIONAL

Lawrence, Iain The Séance, 272 p. Delacorte (Random), July 2008. 


Scooter’s mother is a clairvoyant during the Roaring Twenties. When Harry Houdini comes to town, murder follows and alsoa challenge to all mediums in town to prove their powers or be drummed out of business. Scooter catches the eye of the famous man and the two are drawn into a devious plot that may end in their deaths. 

Lawrence has peppered this book with all of the slang and sights of the 20’s and a beind the scenes look at the business of mediums, magicians and stunts. I found it fairly heavy going; I thought the history was very in-your-face. But my daughter, 14, loved it. 


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