Jongman, Mariken Rits, 236p. Front Street. Language: PG-13, Sexual Content: G, Violence: G- Rits has just started his new diary. He wasn't so sure why his mom and dad made him go live there. With problems going on in-between those two, Rits is really confused. When he thought that he wasn't going to have any friends, Rita comes along. They start to make fun videos together.He is just getting use to living there when his dad comes back. Will he live with Cory, his mom, or his dad? It was really funny how Rits was at 13 years old and he didn't know things that teenagers usually know. He said that when his head hurted, it meant that his brain was "sagging." Rits is a funny book on a bizarre life. Even with his funny turns, there was some bad language that Rits used. Also, some of the book had parts that just seemed there to fill space. MS, HS- OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: CW
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