Kluger, Steve My Most Excellent Year, 403 pgs. Dial Books.
Language-PG-13 (a few "f's"); Sexual Content-G; Violence-G;
Three teenagers share their journals about their most excellent year, ninth grade. They have the same experiences and meet the same people; however, you get to hear it from their point of view. It includes everything from American Sign Language, to Mary Poppins, to the Red Sox.
The transitions were very smooth between each person's point of view. The whole book flowed very well. I didn't want it to end. I felt like I was part of each person and like I knew them inside out.
Student Reviewer: KD
Language-PG-13 (a few "f's"); Sexual Content-G; Violence-G;
Three teenagers share their journals about their most excellent year, ninth grade. They have the same experiences and meet the same people; however, you get to hear it from their point of view. It includes everything from American Sign Language, to Mary Poppins, to the Red Sox.
The transitions were very smooth between each person's point of view. The whole book flowed very well. I didn't want it to end. I felt like I was part of each person and like I knew them inside out.
Student Reviewer: KD
Thanks for the recommendation! I've added it to my to-buy list.