
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Secret Life of a Teenage Siren by Wendy Toliver - ADVISABLE

Toliver, Wendy The Secret Life of a Teenage Siren 281pages, Simon Pulse. 

Language PG13- Sexual Content PG- Violence G


Roxy is a band geek. She can barely get cute guys to notice her, much less date her. Then on her birthday she turns into a Siren: incredibly beautiful with the power to control all men. Now she can get a guy to do anything she wants with just a few notes from her flute. There are two rules though; you can't tell anyone about being a Siren, and you can't fall in love. When she starts dating Zach, the guy everybody's crushing on she realizes she could get used to being a Siren…but how can she not fall in love? 

A great book for teens that enjoy a fun romantic comedy. 

Student Reviewer: RH

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