
Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Crow by Alison Croggon - ESSENTIAL

Croggon, Alison The Crow, 483 pages. Candlewick Press.

Language-G, Sexual Content-G, Violence-PG-13 


The Crow is the third installment in the series the Books of Pellinor. It tells the next segment of the tale from the point of view of Hem, a young man who has been an orphan and friendless until meeting his sister Maerad, the protagonist of the series, in a past installment. But while Maerad traveled north, Hem went south with his mentor to learn how to use his gift to its full potential. But war is approaching from the Iron Tower, and the south is no longer safe. Hem, and his mentor are forced to flee. But as they attempt to escape, Hem and another orphan, Zelika, plan to investigate the dark tactics being used against their home.

Although The Crow is very different when compared to its predecessors, it was still very intriguing and has vital points that are sure to carry on to the climax of the series. The content of the book was darker the than previous novels, but still a great read! 

Student Reviewer: KR
Croggon, Alison The Crow, 483 pages. Candlewick Press. Language-G, Sexual Content-G, Violence-PG-13 - ; The Crow is the third installment in the series the Books of Pellinor. It tells the next segment of the tale from the point of view of Hem, a young man who has been an orphan and friendless until meeting his sister Maerad, the protagonist of the series, in a past installment. But while Maerad traveled north, Hem went south with his mentor to learn how to use his gift to its full potential. But war is approaching from the Iron Tower, and the south is no longer safe. Hem, and his mentor are forced to flee. But as they attempt to escape, Hem and another orphan, Zelika, plan to investigate the dark tactics being used against their home.--Although The Crow is very different when compared to its predecessors, it was still very intriguing and has vital points that are sure to carry on to the climax of the series. The content of the book was darker the than previous novels, but still a great read! MS/HS-ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: KR

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