Hulme, John and Michael Wexler The Glitch in Sleep, 254 p. Bloomsbury, 2007.
At the tender age of nine, Becker Drane unknowingly applied for a job with The Seems, the behind the scene peoples who take care of everything that we of The World take for granted. After an apprenticeship, intensive training and some time as a Briefer, Drane has worked his way up to Fixer, the most important job of all of the Seems. But his first job may also be his last, as he is called upon to fix a Glitch - and not just any Glitch, but one in Sleep. If Becker can't find the Glitch, then the World will go into a Ripple Effect, causing upheavals and problems and conflicts that may never be resolved.
A perfect bit of highly entertaining fantasy that you need right now!
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