
Saturday, August 18, 2007

Billie Standish Was Here by Nancy Crocker - ADVISABLE

Crocker, Nancy Billie Standish Was Here, 281 p. Simon and Schuster


During a town crisis, Billie is befriended by the old lady across the street - one of the few people left in town. Miss Lydia becomes her best friend and her mother figure, as Billie's own mother is emotionally distant. Then Miss Lydia's own degenerate son wounds Billie in the worst way possible and the two draw together to keep the secret and weather the pain. 

The story follows Billie from 6th grade to high school graduation and it is nearly impossible to describe a few pithy sentences as it winds its way through the tapestry of grief. It is a quiet book with just a handful of swear words that seem so useless, especially because they diminish the possible audience. 


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