
Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Mother-Daughter Book Club by Heather Vogel Frederick - ADVISABLE

Frederick, Heather Vogel The Mother-Daughter Book Club, 245 p. Simon and Schuster


To their extreme embarrassment, their mothers have created an exclusive book club for themselves, Emma, Jess, Megan and Cassidy. Emma and Jess are best friends; Emma and Megan used to be best friends (until Megan joined the sixth grade’s groups of queen bees); Cassidy is the jocky new girl from California. Together the group is supposed to read Little Women, penned by one of their town’s famous resident authors. And somewhere along the way, the girls may reach a meeting of the minds, as they all try to work through life’s challenges. 

The chapters are well crafted as they follow the plot through a different girl’s point of view. The problems are pretty typical, which the novel that much more meaningful to its readers. And there will be lots of readers. Its hard to remember the characters are only sixth graders and I don’t think that will stop older readers. Adult readers will enjoy the Louisa May Alcott tidbits. Perfect for fans of Cathy Cassidy!


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