A new novel - the author's first - will have "Hatchet" fans running for the shelves!
Hokenson, Terry The Winter Road, 175 p.
The morning Uncle Jordy is supposed to fly Willa's mother onto the next remote settlement in the far northern reaches of the Hudson Bay area, Willa finds him sleeping off a drunk instead. So WIlla takes matters into her own hands and flies the plane herself - an unplanned first solo flight. A severe storm wrecks the plane and leaves Willa with a little food and a large store of homegrown survival knowledge. After she fails to grab the attention of the rescue planes overhead, she makes the life-changing decision to find her own way to safety.
At first I was a little skeptical that this was just a blatant "Hatchet" ripoff. But the longer I read, the more I liked, and then fell in love with this excellent first effort. Descriptive, exciting writing, excellent survival skills (as if I would know! - city girl that I am!) and by the end I had tears in my eyes, because I couldn't stand the suspense any more!!! I can't wait for the author's next book.
So glad to see you have a blog for your summer reviews! I'm the new librarian at Grand County High School in Moab, and Georgia Loudensock recommended I check out your reviews. Will be blogmarking you and checking back and will, of course, also read your reviews archives. I adore fiction for teens and young adults and am always looking for suggestions. Have a great afternoon!