
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Laugh-Out-Loud Christmas Jokes for Kids by Rob Elliott - ADVISABLE

Elliott, Rob  Laugh-Out-Loud Christmas Jokes for Kids, 144 pgs.  Harper, 2016.  $5.99  Content: G.  

Just like all of the other Laugh-Out-Loud books this is chock full of jokes.  There are knock-knock jokes and riddles.  There are about four jokes per page, so you get your money’s worth.  My young boys think these books are great so if you are looking for Christmas laughs, this is for you.  I put it as optional because of the limited amount of time it would be checked out for the Christmas season, but if you need Christmas themed books for your library this is a good addition.  

EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

The Littlest Bigfoot by Jennifer Weiner - ADVISABLE

Weiner, Jennifer  The Littlest Bigfoot, 289 pgs.  Aladdin, 2016.  $16.99  Content: Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: G.  

Alice feels like she doesn’t fit in anywhere.  Her parents are constantly shipping her to different schools and never seem to have time for her.  Kids her age treat her like she is weird and Alice feels big and has large curly untamable hair.  Then there is Millie, she is a bigfoot-well a little bigfoot, and she is always wondering about the human world and wishes she could experience some of the things she has seen on the Internet.  When Alice is sent to a boarding school in the woods, Alice and Millie’s worlds collide.  

I enjoyed this book.  It is fun to think about how our world would look to others and to imagine a community of bigfoots living in the woods.  The theme of not feeling like you fit in is explored well and the characters are likable.  

EL, MS – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.        

This is my State by Lisa Bullard -ADVISABLE

Bullard, Lisa This is my State 24 pgs. (Millbrook) Lerner, 2017. $24.99  NON-FICTION
A family of four is going on a roadtrip to visit their grandpa, on their way they are trying to collect each state’s special quarter. As this happens, the reader learns about borders, governor, state workers, and the difference between a capitol and a capital! Bright large illustrations fill each page.
This is perfect for our Kindergarten teachers who do a large unit each year on location and maps. The pages are large enough to share with a class for a read-a-loud.

EL(K-3) –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

This is my Town by Lisa Bullard -ADVISABLE

Bullard, Lisa This is my Town 24 pgs. (Millbrook) Lerner, 2017. $24.99  NON-FICTION
This book relates quite a bit of information about components of a town while telling the story of a young girl who gets the chance to ride a bike in an upcoming parade. As she starts her journey to obtaining a bike and learning to ride, we learn about the kinds of places in a town, community helpers, and the difference between a town, city, and rural area. Bright large illustrations fill each page.
This is perfect for our Kindergarten teachers who do a large unit each year on location and maps. The addition of the community helpers also works perfectly with their curriculum. The pages are large enough to share with a  class for a read-a-loud.

EL(K-3) –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mission to Pluto by Mary Kay Carson - ADVISABLE

Carson, Mary Kay Mission to Pluto: The First Visit to an Ice Dwarf and the Kuiper Belt, with photographs by Tom Uhlman. 74 pgs. NON FICTION. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016. $18.99. Content: G.  

In July, 2015 a small spacecraft which left Earth 9 ½ years before finally arriving at it’s destination: Pluto!  Its mission was to take pictures, scan the surface and send information back to earth, before continuing on to visit the Kuiper Belt in 2019. 

 From the discovery of the planet in 1930 to the building of the New Horizons spacecraft and its launch in 2006, and then the pictures sent in 2015 (which are still arriving - it’s a slow transmission from over 3 billion miles away) this is a fascinating read that gives a non scientist a great perspective on this amazing space story.  Fully illustrated with captioned photographs, this “scientists in the field” book also contains a glossary, bibliography and credit for source material.

MS, HS - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

Writing With Rosie by Patricia Reilly Giff-ADVISABLE

Giff, Patricia Reilly, Writing With Rosie. Pgs. 73. Holiday House Books, 2016. $15.95. INFORMATION.

In this humorous, step-by-step guide, Giff breaks down her writing process. From how to write with an easily excitable puppy to writing from page 1 to the end, she makes it simple and easy Aspiring writers will love the anecdotes, personal experiences, and interactive feel of the book. A great addition to any non-fiction collection. EL, MS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

How Transistors Work by James Roland-ADVISABLE

Roland, James,  How Transistors Work. Pgs. 40. Lerner Publishing Company, 2017. $30.65. INFORMATION.

What is a transistor? How does it affect electrical current? Discover the answers to these questions as well as history of transistors and how they work. The layout is well done and easy to follow. The diagrams are detailed and easy to understand. Included are some fun experiments, glossary, sources for further information, and an index for correlation with common core standards. MS, HS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

Alice and Lucy Will Work for Bunk Beds by Jaime Temairik-ADVISABLE

Temairik, Jaime, Alice and Lucy Will Work for Bunk Beds. Disney Hyperion, 2016/. $16.99. PICTURE BOOK.

Sisters, Alice and Lucy share everything, but they don’t like sharing a bed. They really want bunk beds, but don’t have any money. Will they find a way to get their own beds?
The story is fun and easy to read. The illustrations are colorful and detailed. Children will love having this book read aloud to them. PreK, EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.