
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Zombie Tag by Hannah Moskowitz –ESSENTIAL

Moskowitz, Hannah Zombie Tag, 240pgs. Roaring Brook Press, 2011. $11.93. (Language-G Violence-G; Sexual Content-G).
Wil and his friend’s are enjoying playing their newest game; Zombie Tag. The rules are simple –if you are a human you want to escape the zombies, if you are a zombie –eat brains.
When it’s suggested that zombies can be created -with a simple ring of a bell, Wil becomes very interested. He recently lost his older brother, who he was quite close to, and misses him dreadfully. As Wil starts to search for this bell he wonders if having his brother back, but as a zombie, will be worth risking everyone’s lives.
This book is like those delicious brownies that sneaky mom’s make, which include gross foods like spinach or black beans, but mixed in such as way that kids would never know. It’s fun, easy to read, and even silly –with lots of zombie talk, but with a heartfelt message hidden inside. It’s really about losing someone you love and finding a way to acceptance and even peace.
Elementary – ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know. This one is on my radar but I haven't been able to read a copy yet.
