
Monday, June 21, 2010

Gossie Plays Hide and Seek by Olivier Dunrea

Dunrea, Olivier Gossie Plays Hide and Seek.  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.  $13.99.  BOARD BOOK.   Gossie and the goslings are playing hide and seek.  While Gossie quickly finds all of the others, Ollie is hiding so well that no one can find him.  So much more than a board book, feel free to lift, push, scratch and squeak your way through this adorable story.  You will be hard pressed to keep this one in good condition, it will be used so much!  PreK – ESENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I just added it to my baby registry / wish list.
