Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Don’t Think About Purple Elephants by Susan Whelan –ADVISABLE

Whelan, Susan Don’t Think About Purple Elephants EK Book (Exisle Publishing), 2015. $17.95  PICTURE BOOK
Overall Sophie enjoys her life and has a great time in school and with friends and family. But late at night she finds herself worrying. About everything. Then not sleeping. When her mom tucks in her in one night she tells Sophie “Don’t Think About Purple Elephants”. Will Sophie be able to mind her mom on this?
This is a wonderful book for students that are worriers and would make a great addition to the school library collection to be used by the school counselor as needed. It would also make a perfect gift for a parent or child experiencing this issue. A simple solution to a complex problem, I am curious if it works in real life the way it does in the book. Its certainly worth a shot. The artwork isn’t my favorite but it accomplishes the job.

PRE-K, EL(K-3)  -ADVISABLE  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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