Thursday, July 31, 2014

Anton and the Battle by Ole Konnecke - OPTIONAL

Konnecke, Ole.  Anton and the Battle.  PICTURE BOOK.  Gecko Press, 2013.  $17.95.  Violence: PG.  Sexual Content: G.  Language: G.  Anton thinks he is the strongest.  Luke thinks he is stronger.  Anton can lift a big rock.  Luke can lift a bigger one.  Their argument escalates until they threaten to blow each other up with bigger bombs.  A dog comes and both boys scurry up a tree where they continue to argue about who is hungrier and who can drink the most.  The illustrations use color very effectively, the backdrop is black and white and only the boys and the items they boast of, have bold primary colors.  It felt almost like a cartoon, a cross between Dennis the Menace and Calvin and Hobbes.  The concept of competition and “I’m better/stronger/louder/faster/etc…” is definitely a theme that all children can relate to.  As a parent, I didn’t like the violence of threatening to “flatten,” “blow away,” and ultimately “bomb” the other child.
Pre-K/EL K-3: OPTIONAL.  Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.     

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